Flight crew awareness and alertness are key factors in the successful application of windshear avoidance techniques and recovery techniques…. Continue Reading →
Flight crew awareness and alertness are key factors in the successful application of windshear avoidance techniques and recovery techniques…. Continue Reading →
Wind information is available to the flight crew from two primary sources: Air traffic control (ATC) and Aircraft systems…. Continue Reading →
Ice accretions that have formed inside gas turbine engines as a result of flight in clouds of high concentrations of ice crystals in the atmosphere have recently been identified as an aviation safety hazard. NASA’s Aviation Safety Program (AvSP) has made plans to conduct research in this area to address the hazard. This paper gives…… Continue Reading →
This presentation is intended to enhance pilots’awareness of ice crystal icing conditions where engine events have occurred… Continue Reading →
Understanding the weather conditions that have been linked to ice-crystal icing can help pilots avoid situations that may put airplane engines at risk for power loss and damage… Continue Reading →
Lightning is the personal signature of thunderstorm. It is beautiful,inspiring, spectacular and…lethal… Continue Reading →
A reminder of Impact on the Fuel System and Dispatch… Continue Reading →
Crew members who regularly fly at high cruise altitudes receive higher levels of ionizing radiation than the general population. The increased risk appears to be slight, but greater attention is being focused on monitoring of, and education about, ionizing radiation…. Continue Reading →
This Airbus document deals with cosmic radiations coping with myths and realities of cosmic radiation. It has published in 2003 during the 12th Performance & Operations conference in Rome…. Continue Reading →
High-altitude ice crystals in convective weather are now recognized as a cause of engine damage and engine power loss that affects multiple models of commercial airplanes and engines. These events typically have occurred in conditions that appear benign to pilots, including an absence of airframe icing and only light turbulence. The engines in all events…… Continue Reading →