
When airborne and the flaps are up, the flap indications change from their default white to a grey color after _____. An invalid flap condition or status related to the flap position will be shown by an amber cross.

Correct! Wrong!

An aileron/rudder interconnect system is installed to:

Correct! Wrong!

The elevator is a two-piece unit attached to the horizontal stabilizer at a total of five hinge points and is connected to the cockpit control wheel by carbon steel control cables. A down spring is installed in the control circuit to improve longitudinal stability.

Correct! Wrong!

The ailerons are connected to the cockpit control wheels by control cables in the fuselage and push-pull rods in the wings. Each aileron is attached to the wing at _____ hinge points.

Correct! Wrong!

If the Power Drive Unit (PDU) motor overheats or a stalled motor condition is detected, a signal from the PDU will open the FLAP circuit breaker on the Generator 1 Bus circuit breaker panel. The Flap Control and Warning Unit (FCWU) then removes the up or down command to the PDU and the CAS will show a Flaps caution. After waiting for a period of _____ the FLAP circuit breaker can be reset (max. 2 attempts) and normal flap operation resumes.

Correct! Wrong!

This is the only pilot re-settable failure and cycling the flap circuit breaker if it has not opened will not reset any other failure mode detected.

Pitch trim is accomplished by an electrically controlled actuator connected to the moveable horizontal stabilizer. The actuator has two separate motors - a manual stabilizer trim motor (controlled by the manual trim switches) and an alternate stabilizer trim motor (controlled by the autopilot). The alternate stabilizer trim motor can also be used as a back-up system by the pilot.

Correct! Wrong!

Flap system operation may be stopped at any time by lifting the switch guard and pressing the INTERRUPT FLAP switch on the center console to INTR. The CAS will show a Flaps caution. If the switch is moved back to the NORM position:

Correct! Wrong!

If flap asymmetry or twist is detected and the flap angle is greater than 2 degrees after 10 seconds, the CAS Pusher caution will show and the stick pusher will default to 'safe' mode. The Pusher Safe Mode advisory will show in the CAS window. In the 'safe' mode the stick pusher will _____

Correct! Wrong!

If the airspeed goes above the maximum limit for the current flap setting the Flight Alerting System (FAS) will initiate an 'Overspeed' warning on the PFD and a 'Check Speed' voice callout will be heard. A red V-constraint bar will be shown on the right side of the PFD ASI tape and the airspeed digital read out will change to red.

Correct! Wrong!

There will be an 'OVERSPEED' warning on the PFD and a 'SPEED' voice callout be heard (not 'CHECK SPEED').

Each wing trailing edge has a single piece Fowler type flap supported by _____ flap arms.

Correct! Wrong!


Each aileron has a trim tab which is connected to a geared lever (Flettner) mechanism. The mechanism is installed inside the aileron and makes the trim tabs act as balance tabs when the ailerons are moved. They move in the same direction to the ailerons.

Correct! Wrong!

They move in the opposite direction to the ailerons.

On the ground and with weight on the wheels the aircraft is monitored for Takeoff Configuration by the Monitoring Warning System (MWS). The MWS monitors the position of the:

Correct! Wrong!

If any of the trims or the flap position are not in the takeoff range with the engine running, a Takeoff Configuration advisory will be shown in the CAS window of the systems MFD. If any of the trims or the flap position are not in the takeoff range or the condition lever is not at flight idle and the engine torque is increased more than 20 psi with an airspeed of less than 50 KIAS, the Flight Alerting System (FAS) will initiate a NO TAKEOFF warning on the PFD and a No Takeoff voice callout will be heard.

Symbolic aircraft views of the trim positions for the aileron trim tab (roll), rudder trim tab (yaw) and horizontal stabilizer (pitch) are shown in the TRIM window of the systems MFD. In flight the trim indications are shown in _____.

Correct! Wrong!

An invalid trim status will be shown with an amber cross. On the ground the trim logic changes and the colors change based on the trim position.

The flap control system incorporates a failure detection system. The system can detect a failure of a flexible shaft by disconnection or jamming, potentially resulting in flap asymmetry or failure of the system to achieve the selected flap position. The system can detect a failure of a single actuator, potentially resulting in single flap panel twisting. If a failure is detected, the Flap Control and Warning Unit (FCWU) disconnects the power to the Power Drive Unit (PDU) and the Crew Alerting System (CAS) will show a Flaps caution. This condition can also be reset by pilot action.

Correct! Wrong!

This condition cannot be reset by pilot action. The pilot will refer to the EMERGENCY PROCEDURES.

The flight control system is conventional using push-pull rods and carbon steel cables. Electric trim systems are provided for the aileron, rudder, and elevator. All trim systems can be disconnected in the event of a runaway condition.

Correct! Wrong!

The aileron, horizontal stabilizer and rudder trim are electrically operated. Aileron and horizontal stabilizer trim operation is controlled by a switch on the outboard yoke of each control wheel, rudder trim operation is controlled by a switch on the Engine Power Control Lever.

When aircraft is on ground and flaps are at _____ the pointer will show white and the Takeoff Configuration advisory will be displayed on the CAS.

Correct! Wrong!

If the flap lever is not at one of the four preset positions, the Flap Control and Warning Unit (FCWU) will drive the flaps to the nearest preset position.

Correct! Wrong!

Pilatus PC-12 – Flight controls