
The aileron disconnect handle is located on the right side of the center pedestal . It provides the flight crew with a means of mechanically disconnecting the left and right aileron control system in the event of:

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During normal operation, the aileron disconnect handle is in the stowed position, and the lateral control crossover pushrod disconnect mechanism is connected.

Ground spoilers, speed brakes and flight spoilers can be disabled by:

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How many AC motors are there on the stabilizer?

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If the flight crew wishes to trim the pitch manually, the electric pitch trim switch must be disengaged, or the autopilot disconnect switch on the yoke pressed and held to allow manual movement of the trim wheels.

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The _____ assist in controlling the aircraft laterally. The _____ are the primary ground spoiler/ speedbrakes.

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Six spoiler segments are used to dump wing lift, provide in-flight deceleration, and control airspeed during descent . Three speedbrake spoiler segments are on each wing. The two outboard flight spoilers assist in controlling the aircraft laterally. The inboard spoilers are the primary ground spoiler/ speedbrakes.

The ground proximity warning system (GPWS) GND SPLR FLAP ORIDE switch is located on the pedestal, forward of the flap handle, and provides the means to override the requirement for the flaps to be fully down before the ground spoilers can deploy from wheel spinup. The switch also inhibits the GPWS aural warning 'Too low, gear'.

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The aileron trim control wheel is located on the aft end of the center pedestal. An indicator on the trim wheel shows the setting of the trim tab in the left or right wing down units.

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Takeoff is permitted with automatic ground spoilers inoperative provided:

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The stick shaker function will be armed after the aircraft transitions to weight off wheels. The MAUs (Modular Avionics Units):

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The aileron trim actuator is equipped with a specific self-regulating which prevents ice buildup on the actuator. The heater is powered by:

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The autopilot does not have to be engaged to provide Mach trim. Automatic Mach trim is available whenever the PITCH TRIM ENG/DISENG switch is engaged.

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The autopilot employs elevator control to provide the aircraft with Mach trim. Mach trim is necessary because at high speed flight the center of lift on the wing transits aft with increases in speed, producing a nose down pitch moment termed Mach tuck. The autopilot electrically repositions the elevator trim to neutralize the nose down force. Mach trim is an automatic function of the Flight Guidance Computers.

If an aileron hardover protection (HOPS) occurs, only the affected actuator would have hydraulics removed.

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If the flight crew wishes to trim the pitch manually:

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In the event of an elevator actuator hardover, hydraulic power will be removed from the affected actuator.

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Like the other flight control actuators, the rudder can only use hydraulics from the left or right hydraulic systems.

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What will be automatically engaged when the autopilot is engaged?

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With no hydraulic pressure available when the input arrives at the actuator, the aileron actuator bypass valve will open, allowing manual operation (manual reversion) of the aileron control surface. During manual reversion, all lateral control system motion is accomplished mainly by the ailerons and less than 10% by the flight spoilers.

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During manual reversion, all lateral control system motion is accomplished by the ailerons only. The flight spoilers possess no manual reversion capabilities.

The gust lock system protects the ailerons, elevators, and rudder from wind gusts up to _____ while the aircraft is on the ground.

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What must be done to manually trim the pitch axis?

Please select 2 correct answers

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The flap system uses hydraulics from:

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The two outboard flight spoilers are located on the aft upper surface of the wing, forward of the flaps.

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Gulfstream G550 – Flight controls