
An outboard bleed air port from each engine supplies bleed air for ice protection. It supplies hot engine bleed air:

Correct! Wrong!

Directly to the respective engine anti-ice system and through a service air regulator to the aircraft pneumatic deice boot system

High-temperature engine bleed air is extracted from the high-pressure compressor section of each engine and routed through two separate ports.

Correct! Wrong!

Separate bottles of pressurized nitrogen supply emergency pneumatic power for:

Correct! Wrong!

The systems that use pneumatics for operation are:

Correct! Wrong!

Bleed air for each engine anti-ice system is routed to the leading edge of the engine inlet through a valve.

Correct! Wrong!

The hot bleed air warms the leading edge as it passes through, then exits overboard through an opening in the bottom of the engine nacelle.

Landing Gear Emergency Extension - A high-pressure nitrogen bottle is attached to the right bulkhead inside the tail compartment.

Correct! Wrong!

The high-pressure nitrogen bottle is attached to the right forward bulkhead inside the nose baggage compartment.


The left and right PRSOVs:

Correct! Wrong!

Flow control valves adjust flow to compensate for single-engine operation.

Nitrogen bottles for emergency brake and emergency gear extension are on the:

Correct! Wrong!

Citation Mustang – Pneumatics