
If left illuminated, the cabin entry light:

Correct! Wrong!

When the nose baggage compartment doors are closed, the:

Correct! Wrong!

The passenger safety lights illuminate for emergency lighting only when the G-switch is tripped or when the passenger safety switch on the cockpit LIGHTS switch panel is in the PAX SAFETY position.

Correct! Wrong!

The passenger safety lights illuminate for emergency lighting when the G-switch is tripped or when the passenger safety switch on the cockpit LIGHTS switch panel is in the PAX SAFETY position.

The DISPLAYS dimmer knob can only control a Garmin display if AUTO brightness mode is selected.

Correct! Wrong!

When the LANDING-RECOG TAXI switch is in the LANDING position, it provides:

Correct! Wrong!

Baggage compartment lighting includes the nose baggage compartment light and the tail cone compartment light.

Correct! Wrong!

The magnetic compass LED backlighting is provided for night operation when the PANEL dimmer knob is in any position other than DAY.

Correct! Wrong!


Cabin lighting consists:

Correct! Wrong!

The aircraft interior lights are _____ powered.

Correct! Wrong!

Citation Mustang – Lighting