
Water ice protection:

Correct! Wrong!

An ice protection system is installed to prevent ice formation in the waste disposal system and the potable water system. Electrical heating elements in form of flexible tapes are attached to the waste/potable water lines which are installed in areas of possible icing conditions (in the vicinity of fuselage skin).

When the ENG ANTI ICE pbs are selected on, the engine nacelles are anti-iced by:

Correct! Wrong!

Hot air from the pneumatic system provides wing anti-ice to:

Correct! Wrong!

The aircraft is on ground and the WING ANTI ICE pb is set to ON:

Correct! Wrong!

When the flight crew pushes the Rain Repellent button, the timer applies a measured quantity of rain repellent to the windshield. To repeat the cycle the flight crew must push the button again. This function is inhibited when the aircraft is:

Correct! Wrong!

There is an inner and outer wing anti-ice valve on each wing, if the left inner valve fails to open:

Correct! Wrong!

The probes are heated automatically when at least the second engine is running, or in flight.

Correct! Wrong!

The probes are heated automatically when at least one engine is running, or in flight. Manually, when the flight crew switches ON the PROBE/WINDOW HEAT pushbutton switch.

An independent air bleed from the high pressure compressor protects each engine nacelle from ice. The air is supplied through a two-position (open and closed) valve that the flight crew controls with pushbuttons: one for each engine.

Correct! Wrong!

The valve closes automatically if air is not available (engine not running).

When the ice detection system sends a 'SEVERE ICE DETECTED' message:

Correct! Wrong!

The flight crew should only use the rain repellent in the case of heavy rain.

Correct! Wrong!

The flight crew should only use the rain repellent in the case of moderate to heavy rain. It one of the FCOM limitations.


Which of the following statements is true?

Correct! Wrong!

The windshield heating operates at low power on the ground and at normal power in flight. Only one heating level exists for the windows.

Correct! Wrong!

On the ground, the TAT probes and pitot heating operates at low level.

Correct! Wrong!

On the ground, the TAT probes are not heated and pitot heating operates at low level (the changeover to normal power in flight is automatic).

The Window Heat System is controlled by:

Correct! Wrong!

Two independent Window Heat Computers (WHC), one on each side, automatically regulate the system and protect it against overheating and indicate faults.

The 'SEV ICING DETECTED' alert triggers when heavy ice is detected in flight _____and the WING ANTI ICE pb-sw is set to OFF or ENG (1 or 2) ANTI ICE pb-sw is set to OFF.

Correct! Wrong!

In moderate to heavy rain, the flight crew can spray a rain repellent liquid on the windshield to improve visibility. The window is covered by spray after about:

Correct! Wrong!

Separate pushbuttons control the rain repellent application on each side of the windshield.

To switch on the Wing Anti-Ice system the flight crew uses:

Correct! Wrong!

The ice detection system has two separate ice detector probes on the forward lower section of the fuselage. The system operates automatically and starts:

Correct! Wrong!

This memo appears in green if ice is not detected for _____after the flight crew has set the WING ANTI ICE pb-sw to ON.

Correct! Wrong!

When the ice detection system sends the 'SEVERE ICE DETECTED' message:

Correct! Wrong!

If bleed configuration (due to failures) permits WAI selection wing anti-ice must also be selected on. If bleed configuration (due to failures) does not permit WAI selection, it must stay off.


The change over from low level to high level of TAT probe heating is:

Correct! Wrong!

An external visual ice indicator, which is visible to the crew, is installed between the two windshields. The indicator also has an external light.

Correct! Wrong!

The Memo message 'WING A-ICE' comes on, when:

Correct! Wrong!

In case of electrical power supply failure, the Wing anti-ice valves:

Correct! Wrong!

When wing anti-ice is selected, the N1 or EPR limit is automatically reduced, and the idle N1 or EPR is automatically increased.

Correct! Wrong!

If the Window Heat Computer 1 (WHC 1) fails:

Correct! Wrong!

Hot air from the pneumatic system heats the _____ of each wing in flight.

Correct! Wrong!

The WING pushbutton on the ANTI ICE panel controls the four valves.

A FAULT light comes on in the ENG ANTI ICE pb:

Correct! Wrong!

The WIPER selector has two speeds, slow or fast:

Correct! Wrong!

Each rotary selector controls its wiper at either low or high speed. When turned off the wiper stops out of view.

There are three independent Probe Heat Computers (PHC) that automatically control and monitor Captain probes, F/O probes and STBY probes.

Correct! Wrong!


WING ANTI ICE pushbutton – The FAULT light comes on amber, and a caution appears on the ECAM if:

Correct! Wrong!

Airbus A330 – Ice and Rain Protection