
What is the true statement according to this ECAM ELEC page?

Correct! Wrong!

On ground, the inverter is activated, if only the batteries are supplying electrical power to the aircraft, and both BAT 1 and BAT 2 pushbuttons are on.

Correct! Wrong!

In flight, APU not running, an engine generator has failed. What is supplying the corresponding AC BUS?

Correct! Wrong!

What does this "ELEC GEN 2 FAULT" message indicate?

Correct! Wrong!

Engine GEN 1 supplies power to:

Correct! Wrong!

Two main Transformer Rectifiers TR1 and TR2 and one essential TR supply the aircraft’s electrical system with DC current. A fourth TR is dedicated to APU start or APU battery charging.

Correct! Wrong!

Each TR controls its contactor by internal logic.

The Emergency generator is powered by:

Correct! Wrong!

What does this red FAULT light indicate?

Correct! Wrong!

An engine generator is driven:

Correct! Wrong!

The main function of the MAINT BUS switch is:

Correct! Wrong!


According to this ECAM ELEC page:

Correct! Wrong!

The APU battery:

Correct! Wrong!

Loss of one generator or TR provide (except if lost is due to overcurrent detection):

Correct! Wrong!

What does this ELEC BAT 1 FAULT " message indicate?

Correct! Wrong!

Two Electrical Contactor Management Units (ECMU) provide:

Correct! Wrong!

When ECAM shows " ELEC ECMU 1 FAULT ":

Correct! Wrong!

What does this "ELEC DC BUS 2 FAULT" message indicate?

Correct! Wrong!

When the LAND RECOVERY pb-sw is pressed in EMER ELEC configuration, ADR 3 is lost, and consequently:

Correct! Wrong!

Either the APU generator or external power may supply the complete system (with some galley shedding in case of overload).

Correct! Wrong!

As shown on this ECAM ELEC page, the ESS TR is normally supplied by:

Correct! Wrong!


According to the information below:

Correct! Wrong!

In case of main generators loss, the emergency generator automatically supplies DC power to the aircraft electrical system.

Correct! Wrong!

The emergency generator automatically supplies AC power to the aircraft electrical system.

According to these indications which AC BUS supplies the ESS TR?

Correct! Wrong!

On the C/B ECAM page, the flight crew reads "NORMAL". What does it mean?

Correct! Wrong!

The EMER GEN is being powered by a hydraulic system pressurized by an engine driven hydraulic pump. Pressing the LAND RECOVERY p/b switch will:

Correct! Wrong!

What is the true statement according to these ECAM ELEC page indications?

Correct! Wrong!

The MAINT BUS switch is located:

Correct! Wrong!

If the EMER GEN TEST pb (guarded) is pressed and held:

Correct! Wrong!

According to this ECAM ELEC page

Correct! Wrong!

With APU GEN and External Power supplying the network:

Correct! Wrong!


What does this "ELEC TR 2 FAULT" message indicate?

Correct! Wrong!

Emergency generator deactivation occurs only automatically in flight at slats extension. If powered by the RAT only (both engines are lost) it can be reactivated _____.

Correct! Wrong!

On the ground it can be after both engines shutdown.

The minimum number of generators required to supply all the network is:

Correct! Wrong!

One of ECMU's function is:

Correct! Wrong!

On ground, when only ground services are required, external power can supply the AC and DC GND/FLT buses directly, without supplying the aircraft's entire network. This configuration is selected via the MAINT BUS switch, located in the cockpit.

Correct! Wrong!

This configuration is selected via the MAINT BUS switch, located in the forward entrance area. This switch allows maintenance and ground service personnel to energize electrical circuits for ground servicing, without energizing the aircraft's entire electrical system.

When the MAINT BUS switch is on:

Correct! Wrong!

Airbus A330 – Electrical