On the CABIN PRESS panel, with the MAN V/S CTL held in the DN position, the outflow valve will:
With the pressurization system in the automatic mode, which valves are closed when the ditching push button is selected on?
Two electric fans continuously circulate air around the avionics equipment, when the aircraft is electrically supplied.
How many trim air valves are there?
On the CABIN PRESS panel, pushing on the MODE SEL pb gives control over:
Does the trim air provide the warm air or the cold air to the air conditioning system?
The Ram Air valve:
In case of trim air failure, optimized temperature regulation of the corresponding zone is degraded but still available.
Optimized temperature regulation of the corresponding zone is lost.
When the pack flow control knob is positioned to HI, air flow is:
During the landing roll, the Ram Air Inlet flaps open when speed is less than:
The outflow valve is on the right-hand side of fuselage, behind the aft cargo compartment and above the flotation line.
The outflow valve is on the right-hand side of fuselage, behind the aft cargo compartment and below the flotation line.
What is the maximum negative differential pressure for the cabin?
Low-pressure air is supplied to the mixing unit by a ground connection.
When does normal depressurization occur?
With APU BLEED ON and engine BLEED switches ON with engines running, what is the position of the engine bleed valves?
Which statement is TRUE concerning the cargo compartment ventilation?
It is allowed to use simultaneously packs and LP ground unit during long stops in a hot environment.
Do not use conditioned air simultaneously from packs and LP ground unit (to avoid chattering of the non return valves).
During flight below _____, the ram air valve can provide an emergency source of conditioned air during a non-pressurized flight.
Pack controller, primary and secondary channel failure.
MANUAL PRESSURE CONTROL MODE - Due to the slow operation of the outflow valves in manual mode, and the limited resolution of the outflow valves' position on the ECAM, the visual ECAM indication of a change in the outflow valves' position can take up to _____
As the pressurization system is manually-controlled, the outflow valve does not open automatically at touchdown.
What computers control the cabin and cockpit conditioned air?
The pack flow control valve:
The zone controller optimizes temperature by action on the:
Both pressurization auto controllers are set by the active flight plan loaded in the MCDU. The QNH entry on the MCDU Approach Performance page refines the depressurization schedule for the landing.
Which cabin pressure controller generates excess cabin altitude and pressure signals for ECAM indication in manual mode?
Each Trim air valve optimizes the temperature by:
An extraction fan draws ambient cabin air through the lavatories and galleys and exhausts it near the forward doors. The extraction fan runs continually when electric power is available.
An extraction fan draws ambient cabin air through the lavatories and galleys and exhausts it near the outflow valve. The extraction fan runs continually when electric power is available.
On the ECAM Cabin Pressure page, the outflow valve indicator changes to amber if:
If the Air Cycle Machine (ACM) fails (compressor/turbine seizure), the affected pack may be operated in heat exchanger cooling mode. Warm pre-conditioned bleed air enters the cooling path via the pack valve and goes to the primary heat exchanger. Then, the main part of the cooled air goes directly downstream of ACM turbine through the bypass valve, and the rest goes through the failed ACM.
The ACM seizure reduces the pack flow.
The mixing unit is connected to:
When does normal pressurization occur?
To prepare for ditching, the flight crew must press the DITCHING pb on the CABIN PRESS control panel to close:
What happens when a temperature selector rotary knob is adjusted?
When landing elevation is set to AUTO, the landing elevation is sent to the controller from:
When would you select RAM AIR ON?
An emergency ram air inlet ventilates the cockpit and cabin to remove smoke, or if both packs fail. The emergency ram air inlet valve is controlled by the RAM AIR pushbutton on the AIR COND panel. This pushbutton opens the ram air valve, provided that ditching is not selected.
Pressurization controllers receive inputs from:
For operation in manual mode, each cabin pressure controller has a backup section, which is powered by an independent power supply in the controller No.1 position.
Hot air pressure regulating valve failed open:
Under what conditions should the pack flow controller be set to LO?
What ventilation configuration is displayed on the CAB PRESS page?
Trim air valves are controlled by:
Air from the cabin goes via the inlet isolation valve to the forward cargo compartment, driven either by an extraction fan or by differential pressure in flight. A skin-mounted venturi discharges the air overboard via the outlet isolation valve.
The cargo ventilation controller controls the operation of the inlet and outlet isolation valves and the extraction fan.
How can you change controllers during flight?
Once set to "ON" the air conditioning packs operate:
A venturi in the skin of the aircraft draws air from the space around the batteries and vents it overboard. The resulting airflow ventilates the batteries.
The Ram Air Inlet Flaps remain open during takeoff and landing to allow extra airflow during high power situations.
During takeoff, the ram air inlet flap closes when takeoff power is set, and the main landing gear struts are compressed. During landing, it closes as soon as the main landing gear struts are compressed, as long as speed is at or above 70 kt. It opens 20 s after the speed drops below 70 kt.
The HOT AIR fault light illuminates on the air conditioning panel.
What is the function of the ram air valve?
During the exterior preflight on a warm day, in what position would you expect to find the avionics ventilation system INLET and EXTRACT valves to be in?
On the ECAM Cabin Pressure page, the safety valve indication changes to amber if:
What position do the pack valves go to in the event of a loss of the bleed system pressure?
Which of the following statements is correct?
Regarding the CABIN PRESSURIZATION system, what should the differential pressure be on the ground?
With regards to the ECAM COND page, why are two different temperature values displayed for each zone of the aircraft?
At what cabin altitude do you get an ECAM warning?
During normal flight, the avionics ventilation system controls the temperature of the cooling air by:
How many temperature selectors are there on the A320? How many temperature zones are there?
The pressure safety valve automatically opens at:
Both engines are running and the APU bleed has been switched OFF. Which statement is correct?
If a pack controller fails (primary and secondary channel failure), the pack outlet air temperature is controlled by:
Which of the following statements is correct concerning conditioned air?
Temperature control is automatic and is regulated by:
PACK FLOW CONTROL - The flight crew can use the PACK FLOW selector (or ECON FLOW pb for A321 aircraft) to adjust the pack flow for the number of passengers and for external conditions.
In flight with pressure controller 1 in use, if it fails:
The avionics ventilation system is fully automatic. It cools the electrical and electronic components in the avionics compartment and on the flight deck, including the instrument and circuit breaker panels. It uses two electric fans to force the circulation of cooling air.
Which statement is correct regarding the illumination of the amber AFT ISOL VALVE fault light?
The outflow valve is powered by:
The outflow valve assembly consists of a flush, skin-mounted, rectangular frame, carrying inward and outward opening flaps linked to the actuator. The actuator contains the drives of the two automatic motors and the manual motor. Either of two automatic motors operates the valve in automatic mode, and the manual motor operates it in manual mode.
Conditioned air is distributed to:
The air conditioning system is fully automatic. It provides continuous air renewal and maintains a constant, selected temperature in the following 3 zones : COCKPIT, FWD CABIN, AFT CABIN. These three zones are independently controlled.
For the Normal Operation of the CARGO COND SYSTEM:
Hot air fault light illuminates on the air conditioning panel.
The cabin pressurization uses one outflow valve with an actuator that incorporates:
Any one of the three independent electric motors may power the outflow valve.
When would you select PACK FLOW to HI?
The HOT AIR valve push button controls:
ENGINE PRESSURE DEMAND - When the cooling demand in one zone cannot be satisfied, if the bleed pressure is too low, the air conditioning system controller sends a pressure demand signal to both Engine Interface Units (EIU) to increase the minimum idle and to raise the bleed pressure.
The PACK FLOW controller is set to NORM and yet the ECAM display shows PACK FLOW to be high. How is this possible?
Placing the avionics ventilation system in the smoke configuration:
Avionics ventilation system indications may be found on which ECAM page(s)?
Pressurization indications are found on which ECAM page(s)?
The APU BLEED FAULT indicates that the main APU controller is in fault.
What are the different sources of air for air conditioning and pressurization?
In the CABIN PRESSURIZATION system, the function of the safety valves is to:
What is the maximum altitude associated with the pressurization system?
Pressurization is normally automatic. Can you interfere with it?
What will cause the ENG BLEED fault light to come on?
During Ground function operation, the outflow valve is: Fully closed.
Aft cargo ventilation is controlled by: The zone controller and the SDCU.
The cabin zone temperature sensors are ventilated by the air extracted by the lavatory and galley fans.
Bleed air supplied from the APU (APU bleed valve open), the pack flow is automatically selected:
When a LDG ELEV is set manually on the CABIN PRESS panel, is there still an automatic control of the cabin altitude?
The hot air pressure regulating valve:
What is the normal maximum cabin altitude?
When the RAM AIR pushbutton is ON, and differential pressure is below 1 PSI, the system drives the outflow valve about _____ if it is under automatic control.
Aft cargo indications may be found on which ECAM page(s)?
If you select a position other than the AUTO detent on the LDG ELEV AUTO selector, how can you see the actual landing elevation value?
In case of total zone controller failure:
Pack controller, secondary channel failure. What is the true statement?
Emergency ram air inlet - When set to "ON" the ram air valve will open and supply airflow:
Pack controller, primary channel failure. What is the true statement?
To enable Ram air to the mixture unit, The Ram air switch should be used:
The safety valves are _____ operated.
What does the CARGO HEAT HOT AIR FAULT light indicate?
What limitation is associated with the ram air valve?
Only open if differential pressure is lower than 1 psi.
In case of trim air system fault (zone controller primary channel failure), the secondary channel of the zone controller regulated the zone temperature at:
During takeoff, the ram air inlet flap closes when takeoff power is set, and both the main landing gear and nose landing gear struts are compressed.
During takeoff, the ram air inlet flap closes when takeoff power is set, and the main landing gear struts are compressed.
How many outflow valves are there?
Under what conditions should the pack flow controller be set to HI?
In normal flight in closed circuit configuration, the avionics ventilation system controls the temperature of the cooling air by:
What happens to the pack flow control valves during engine start?
'PACK REG' is displayed on the ECAM 'COND' page. What does it mean?
In case of zone controller primary and secondary channel failure, what temperatures are maintained by pack one and pack two?
The temperature of each aircraft zone is optimized by means of:
On the ECAM Cabin Pressure page, the cabin altitude indication changes to red when cabin altitude is:
The ditching switch when selected sends a closure signal to the:
What is the maximum negative differential pressure for the cabin?
Please select 2 correct answers
The RAM AIR switch should be used:
Which configuration is the avionics ventilation system in while airborne with no abnormals present?
The ventilation system for the aft cargo compartment uses hot engine bleed air (upstream of the packs), mixing it with the ambient cabin air that flows through the cargo compartment. The cargo regulating valve regulates the pressure of this hot air supply, and the trim air valve, which is modulated electrically by the controller, controls the flow.
The cargo pressure regulating valve is pneumatically operated and electrically controlled from the HOT AIR pb on the CARGO HEAT panel.
The cabin pressurization system has ____ general functions:
Ground function (fully opens the outflow valve on ground). Pre-pressurization (during takeoff, increases cabin pressure to avoid a surge in cabin pressure during rotation). Pressurization in flight (adjusts cabin altitude, and rate of change to provide passengers with a comfortable flight). Depressurization (after touchdown, gradually releases residual cabin overpressure before the ground function fully opens the outflow valve).
What is the function of the Pack Flow selector?
The purpose of the safety valve is to avoid:
Two independent pneumatic safety valves prevent cabin pressure from going too high (8.6 PSI above ambient) or too low (1 PSI below ambient). They are located on the rear pressure bulkhead, above the flotation line.
Conditioning Zone regulator fault (primary channel failed):
With reference to the AIR COND panel, which statement is correct?
ECAM DOOR - OXY PAGE – The cabin vertical speed (VS) is normally green. It pulses, when the VS is greater than 1 750 fpm and stops pulsing, when less than 1 650 fpm. It becomes amber, when the VS is greater than _____
Engine flow demand - When the heating or cooling demand in one zone cannot be satisfied:
Two identical, independent, automatic digital pressurization controllers are used for system control:
Two identical, independent, digital controllers automatically control the system, by maintaining the proper cabin pressure. They receive signals from the Air Data Inertial Reference System (ADIRS), the Flight Management and Guidance Computer (FMGC), the Engine Interface Unit (EIU), and the Landing Gear Control Interface Unit (LGCIU).
When APU is supplying the packs, the pack controller sends a demand signal to increase airflow when a zone temperature cannot be satisfied. This signal is sent to the:
The ECB is responsible for regulating and monitoring the APU’s electrical, pneumatic, and fuel systems. It receives commands from the flight crew through switches and control panels in the cockpit, and it relays these commands to the APU. The ECB also receives feedback from various sensors and systems to ensure that the APU is operating within safe parameters.