The Hawker 4000, originally known as the Hawker Horizon, is a super-midsize business jet developed by Hawker Beechcraft, now a division of Textron Aviation. At the time of its delivery in 2008, the Hawker 4000 was the world’s only private business jet to use carbon composites in its construction.

Like other jets in its class, such as Cessna Citation Longitude and the Bombardier Challenger 350, the Hawker 4000 can fly nonstop up to 3,341 nm (6,188 km) and the aircraft can accommodate up to 14 passengers in its maximum configuration.

Following the acquisition of Hawker Beechcraft by Textron Aviation in 2013, production of the Hawker 4000 stopped. During its 12 years of production, just 73 Hawker 4000 were built.



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