The Q400 is capable of flying at jet like speeds with turboprop fuel efficiency. Rather than 56 seats, the Dash 8-400 can be configured to offer a maximum of 90 seats.

Rebranded as Bombardier Q400 in a Bombardier’s attempt to sell the Dash 8-400 as a “quiet” turboprop, the aircraft is equipped with an Active Noise and Vibration System (ANVS). The ANVS works by analyzing the airframe noise and then playing the sounds back to cancel out the waves of aircraft noise. The Q400 also came with tuned vibration absorbers to dampen vibration entering the cabin making for a smooth ride.

The Q400 is stretched by 6.83m in comparison to the Q300. It gives the Q400 an overall length of 32.8m. 


Q400 Propeller
Q400 Power Plant
Q400 Pneumatics
Q400 Oxygen
Q400 Navigation
Q400 Lighting System
Q400 Landing Gear
Q400 Indicating and Recording Systems
Q400 Ice and Rain Protection
Q400 Hydraulic Power
Q400 Fuel
Q400 Flight Controls
Q400 Fire Protection
Q400 Electrical
Q400 Communications
Q400 Autoflight
Q400 Air Cond and Press
Q400 Aeroplane General

    Flight Patterns


      Instructor’s Corner
